
Tag brick red
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This signage features the classic ancient yellow and Chinese typo. The store is named as Chinese-Vietnamese words meaning God blessed Happiness

The old signage of this Chinese old house features a Chinese word as a decor pattern.

This coffee store signage featuring both visuals and multi-typo with classic yellow & white typos highlighted on the brick red background.

The old signage of this Chinese old house features a Chinese word as a decor pattern.

Hidden deep in the corner of Ha Noi capital, this handmade machine embroidery store has a small colorful signage with full of typos right at the entrance of the corner.

The signage of this old oriental drug store has an ancient yellow background with the name embossed on it and painted in brick red

These two old signages belong to two houses that are located next to each other. The left signage has a brick red name that was embossed on the white wall of the house. The other one has an ancient yellow background with a mixed-typo name embossed on it