Interview with Artist Nguyen Diep Phuong


Interview with Artist Nguyen Diep Phuong


Artist Nguyen Diep Phuong was born in 1942 in Hanoi. At the age of 15, he started to pursuit art by joining the private class ‘Sang Tao’ (Creativity) by late artist Pham Viet Song. It was a very special art class at the time because of its low tuition fee, flexible time and a supportive teaching approach by artist Viet Song. Two years later in early 1960, however, Nguyen Diep Phuong had to drop his study due to difficult family situation.
His first job was for Hanoi Art Company, a part of Hanoi Department of Culture. He was responsible for promoting the government visual politics through wall panels, posters, banners, wall painting, etc… after the liberation of Hanoi. From 1980 to 1992, artist Nguyen Diep Phuong was assigned to organize exhibitions at the Hanoi Exhibition Centre, where he once held the vice director position.




“Interview With Artist Nguyen Diep Phuong.”, Artisans Biography, accessed October 22, 2024,